What is the Realization Process ?

The Realization Process is an innovative path for embodied personal and relational healing and nondual awakening.

It is a series of powerful but gentle, precise attunement practices for realizing your own nature as nondual consciousness - pervading your body and environment as a unity.

Pervading your body
, nondual consciousness is experienced as the primary, undivided ground of your individual being. It deepens and refines all of your human capacities: for physical sensation, emotional responsiveness, understanding, and perception.

Healing from trauma : the Realization Process includes a unique approach to psychological and relational healing by applying nondual consciousness to the release of psychological holding patterns. Releasing limiting patterns to embody your authentic nature frees you to more fully love, understand, create, and speak, and opens you to an innate source of calm and joy within your body.

Oneness with others : some Realization Process practices apply nondual consciousness to deepening and healing relationships.  These practices dissolve fixed patterns of relating, and heal the fragmentations within your own being and between yourself and others. Relating as nondual consciousness can help resolve life-long attachment and boundary issues.  We are able to experience deep contact with other people without losing inward contact with ourselves.

The Realization Process also teaches embodiment and movement practices for feeling more vibrantly alive, balanced and comfortable in your own body. They also apply nondual consciousness to healing chronic bodily tensions and imbalances. When you move as the embodiment of nondual consciousness, your movement becomes more fluid and expressive. You move with your whole being.

Source : https://realizationprocess.org

 Kép : https://www.europosters.eu