Offerings & contact

Offering #1

To work with me privately, please book a free max. 40-min clarity call to see if we are a good fit.

Contact & questions : nagyjudit0525[at]gmail[dot]com

Please note : I answer letters when I have the capacity. It might take a while. Don't take that personally.

I am not a psychotherapist and not offering psychotherapeutic services. My intention is to support you in inhabiting your body more fully.

By expressing interest in any of my events, you agree to be put on my Realization Process mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time by emailing me the word 'unsubscribe'.

My time zone : Central European (Summer) Time (CET/CEST).

Please also read:

Waiver of Liability
By attending any of Judit Nagy's events and programs, I affirm that I am of sound mind and body. I
take full responsibility for my participation in Judit Nagy's programs. I hereby release and waive Judit Nagy from any liability, claims and actions arising out of or
related to injury or psychological distress sustained by me during my participation in Judit Nagy's programs.

Thank you !